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School Day

the Morning

Arriving At School

Breakfast Club is provided by the school and is open from 7:30am. Prebooking is required. Please ring the front doorbell to sign your child in.

Children coming onto the school grounds are supervised by their parents/guardians until the school doors open at 8.45am.  Please ensure your child has everything they need for the school day and encourage them to be responsible for carrying their own things. 

The Headteacher and a member of the office staff are available every morning, on the front playground.


After arriving in the classroom, children put away their belongings and begin starter activities before registration. Registration takes place promptly at 9am. Morning Sessions usually include Reading half-hour, English, maths, assembly and playtime.


All classes have a mid-morning break at 10:45am.   Reception and Key Stage 1 are provided with a free healthy snack.   Children in Key Stage 2 may bring in fruit or vegetables (e.g. carrot sticks) to eat.  No processed food is allowed (e.g. cereal bars, fruit winders, yoghurt/chocolate coated fruit). Please ensure any containers are clearly named.

The Afternoon

Lunch Time

EYFS: 11:45 – 13:15

KS1 & KS2: 12:15 – 13:15


The afternoon usually consists of two sessions.  Children in Key Stage 1 have a mid-afternoon break.

The End of the Day

The school day finishes at 15:15 for children in pre-school and reception and at 15:20 for those in years 1-4. Please arrive promptly to pick up your child.

The children are only released from the gate when the adult collecting them is waiting on the playground. If someone else is collecting your child from school, please let the school know via a message in their reading record book or emailing or phoning the school office.   We cannot release your child to another adult unless we have confirmation from their parent or carer.

After-School Club

If your child is attending After School Club, please ring the front doorbell to collect them.