PE & Sport Premium
The government has allocated schools funding to improve the provision of Sport. This gives our school the chance to enhance our level of physical activity and to promote physical fitness. At Maulden Lower, we believe PE and sport are an essential part of every child’s development. We endeavour to provide high-quality physical education and sporting opportunities for every child, equipping them to lead healthy, active lifestyles as well as providing the children with the necessary skills of good sportsmanship, to strive for excellence and not be discouraged if they do not win.
We aim to offer a balanced program and a variety of activities to provide all pupils with the opportunity to develop a broad spectrum of skills whilst enabling them to develop acceptable fitness levels. Engagement of sport is very important, and we offer a range of different extra-curricular clubs after school for children across the school. We want to raise the aspirations of every student as well as the determination and enthusiasm to pursue a healthy and active lifestyle in future years