Headteacher’s Welcome

Maulden Lower School is a friendly and inclusive one-form entry community school for children between the ages of two and nine. We aim to give each child the best foundation to become happy, and confident lifelong learners.
Our school is fortunate to be situated in a beautiful rural location and benefits from extensive outdoor space. Our large playing field, playgrounds and outdoor classrooms provide a stimulating and varied learning environment and opportunities to develop an environmentally conscious, healthy and active lifestyle.
Everything we do at Maulden Lower is underpinned by a Values-based approach which develops kind and responsible pupils who build positive relationships with each other, the wider community and the environment. In a fast-paced world, we believe in nurturing happiness, resilience and success in all our children.
We actively celebrate pupils’ achievements in all areas of learning. Our rich and inspiring curriculum is underpinned by mastery of the fundamental skills of reading, writing and mathematics. We aim to combine excellence in teaching with enjoyment of learning and discovery.
We foster open and honest communication with parents, carers and specialists and actively seek to engage all members of our school community in a positive, supportive manner.
I have been part of the school since September 2017, and I feel honoured to serve as Headteacher. I am also very proud of the pupils and staff team who work extremely hard every day to strengthen and improve on the learning experience for all.
We would be very pleased to hear from you and show you around our school. Meanwhile, our website offers you an insight into the life of our school and the wonderful opportunities that help support your child’s learning.
Kathy Dwyer