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Year 1

Hello and Welcome to Rabbit Class

Mr Morton avatar

Hello everyone – welcome to Rabbit Class, where Year 1 children learn with Mr Morton, our teacher and Mrs. Cartwright, Mrs Tompkins and Mrs Wilmot, our teaching assistants.

In Rabbit Class, we begin to develop all those key, foundation skills learned in Early Years. In English we share fabulous texts, read as much as we can, write sentences, stories and poems, all with the support of our teachers. In maths, we count, add, take away, share, measure, investigate shapes and patterns, to name but a few concepts … all through practical activities before we record our learning more formally.

Our termly topics are such fun! They are Dinosaurs, Exploring Britain & Splendid Skies and Our Amazing World. We have our very own garden to plant and maintain and a lovely decking area for outdoor learning and playing.

Mr Morton – Class Teacher

Year 1 Documents


    Homework and weekly spellings can be accessed through your child’s Google Classroom account.

    Additional Support & Guidance