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Year 3

Hello and Welcome to Woodpecker Class

Miss Dyke avatar

Hello and welcome to Woodpecker class, led by me, Miss Dyke, and supported by our Teaching Assistants, Mrs Rowell and Mr Michaels.

As children now move from KS1 into KS2 they continue their learning journey, by developing their independence further. In Woodpeckers we love to extend on developing our skills and
enhancing our knowledge in all areas. We have fun working in each of our subjects and exploring a range of different texts and topics. This year we will be learning about lots of different topics. Here are some of the topics that we will be learning: The Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age, The Romans, Anglo Saxons and Vikings and The Rainforest. Take a look at our
Curriculum Overviews below to find out much more detail about what we learn in each of these
exciting topic areas.

Miss Dyke – Class Teacher

Year 3 Class Documents


Homework and weekly spellings can be accessed through your child’s Google Classroom account.

Additional support & guidance