Attendance & Punctuality
We consider good attendance and punctuality to be vital to ensure the best educational outcomes for your child and establish positive life habits necessary for future success. Irregular attendance not only has a negative impact on academic outcomes, but also affects social development and friendship groups. We consider good attendance to be 96% of sessions and above. Each school day equates to two possible sessions of attendance (am/pm).
Parents have a responsibility to ensure their child attends school regularly and arrives on time. Permitting absence from school without good reason could result in an offence and may result in prosecution.
Support and guidance on attendance is always available in school. If you have any questions, please contact the headteacher.
How to Report Pupil Absence
If your child is unwell or unable to come into school for any other reason, please contact the school office before 09:30 on the morning of the absence.
- 01525 402286
Medical & Dental Appointments
Please note that whenever possible medical and dental appointments should be booked outside school hours. When this is not possible, please email a copy of the appointment card to the school office
Children should be returned to school promptly after appointments and signed out and in at the school office.
Holidays in Term Time
Holidays in term time will not be authorised unless in exceptional circumstances and may result in a fine. For more details on what we consider to be ‘exceptional circumstances’, please see the attendance policy below.
In order to give your child, the most positive start to the school day, please ensure they arrive on time with everything they need. The school gate closes promptly at 8:55am. After this time, children need to be signed in at the school office.
If you arrive late, your child has an unsettled start to the day. Where children do not come to school on time, they are not able to follow same classroom routines and tasks as the other children. This can be upsetting and, in some cases, can develop into anxiety about coming into school.