Year 4
Hello and Welcome to Kestrel Class

Welcome to Year 4 which is taught by me, Mrs Hillson, supported by our teaching assisistants, Mrs Buchanan and Mr Michaels.
Our exciting topics include learning all about chocolate, where it comes from, how it is produced and the history of Cadbury. We also learn about the importance of Fair Trade and find out about a day in the life of a cocoa farmer.
In the spring term we learn about the Ancient Egyptians and the River Nile which includes research on Egyptian gods, Tutankhamun, mummification and the mummification process, identifying Egypt on a world map and learning about the importance of the river Nile.
In the summer term we focus on World War 2, identifying the countries involved on a world map. Looking at the axis and allies and finding out what life was like for children. Throughout all of our topics we produce some amazing artwork which we are always very proud of.
In Year 4 we aim to encourage, engage and excite our pupils in all areas of the curriculum with every child motivated to have a positive growth mind set. We encourage independence and resilience, so they are prepared for the next chapter in their school life.
Mrs Hillson – Class Teacher
Year 4 Class Documents
Homework and weekly spellings can be accessed through your child’s Google Classroom account.
Additional Support & Guidance
- White Rose Maths | Maths With Michael – Parent Guides
- Multiplication Tables Check | A Guide for Parents (or text only version)
- National Curriculum | Key Stages 1 & 2